Our dental hygienists in Sippy Downs can provide a check up service and clean your teeth in one convenient visit. Regular check ups can prevent major dental issues from progressing, before they are a bigger, more painful problem.
Dental Hygienists Sunshine Coast
Regular dental hygiene appointments can greatly reduce the need for future, complex dental treatments. Our dental hygienists are university-trained, registered health professionals who are experts in managing gum disease and preventing decay. They are an integral part of the Diamond Dental Care & Implant Centre team. Together they work in partnership with our dentists to offer preventive advice and to provide specific treatments tailored to your unique needs and lifestyle.
Services offered by our dental hygienists in Sippy Downs include:
- Taking digital x-rays
- Removing plaque and tartar
- Evaluating and treating gum disease
- Checking for soft tissue disease
- Oral cancer screening
- Fluoride treatments
- Fissure sealants
- Home care advice
- Oral health education
- Saliva assessment
- Fitting mouthguards
- Whitening treatments
Book A Dental Check Up Today
Please contact our friendly team for a dental check up in Sippy Downs with a qualified hygienist on (07) 5477 0889. Or feel free to ask for and further information or advice.